#Whitewalker felt cute might delete later full#
The full documentation of our rules can be found on this page. To get moderator approval, message the moderators with a paragraph or two explaining who you are, why you would like to host an AMA, and proof of your claims.A history of in-depth answers is a plus.You must be a person of common interest to our community.All submissions need to be flaired after you submit it.Sexually implicit or explicit content of minors is not tolerated under any circumstances.Discussion is fine, so long as it is treated in a mature fashion.Due to concerns over user safety and sharing of personal information, users cannot arrange to meet up on /r/teenagers.Surnames and full initials are not to be shared, although first names are allowed.For the sake of clarification: personal information includes (but is not limited to) email addresses, phone numbers, school/college/university names, Facebook profiles, Skype usernames, Instagram usernames, and Spotify links containing personal information (e.g.

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